What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy healing technique. The word “Reiki” is a combination of two Japanese words: “rei,” which means “spiritual consciousness,” or “the higher power,” and “ki,” which means “life force energy” which flows through all living things.
Reiki is based on universal life force energy that flows through the hands of the practitioner. A Reiki practitioner gently puts his or her hands on or just above the client’s clothed body, helping reduce stress and promotes healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy throughout the body.
Reiki is not part of any religion or belief system and is a safe and non-invasive technique that balances the chakras or energy centres in the body and heals on all levels – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
The most common form of Reiki in the world today is Usui Reiki which was created by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. He studied at the Tendai Buddist Monastery School and was also a student of martial arts. He became a Buddist monk and one day went into meditation on the top of a mountain that lasted for 21 days. It is said that it is here that he was given the inspiration for his system of healing. It is likely that he incorporated ideas and knowledge about healing from other systems like Chinese medicine, other Eastern healing systems like Chi Gong, acupuncture and others.
Reiki is a gentle, healing energy and is non-invasive. It activates and accelerates the body’s own natural healing abilities and re-balances the mind, body and spirit. Reiki relieves tension and stress, increases vitality and energy and acts as a detox, helping the body eliminate toxins and strengthens the immune system.
What Reiki does:
Improves mood
Enhances overall wellbeing
Aids in depression, insomnia, anxiety
Reduces stress
Works on imbalances in the body and balances the whole body
Boosts immune system
Relieves pain
Eliminates toxins from the body
Relaxes the body and calms the mind
Assists in releasing negative thoughts and emotional baggage
Increases one’s creativity
Increases one’s awareness of self
Reiki principals:
Just for today – do not anger
Just for today – do not worry
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living thing
The seven chakras:
Reiki works to balance the chakras in your body. What are they?
Chakras are the main energy centres in the body. When all your chakras are open, the energy can flow freely between them without any blockages.
1. The Root or Base chakra (Muladhara) – I Am. It represents our foundation. When the root chakra is open we feel confident in our ability to withstand challenges and stand in our own power. When it is blocked we feel threatened and unstable.
2. The Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) – I Feel. The sacral chakra helps us relate to our emotions and that of others. It governs creativity and sexual energy. If you have a blocked sacral chakra it could feel like you are out of control.
3. The Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura) – I Do. The solar plexus is where your confidence and control lies. If your solar plexus is blocked you might feel shame and self-doubt. Those with an open solar plexus chakra feel free to express themselves and let others see them for who they truly are.
4. The Heart chakra (Anahata) – I Love. The heart chakra is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras. This chakra can influence your ability to give and receive love – from others and ourselves. A person who’s heart chakra is blocked might have difficulty fully opening up to the people in their life and showing their vulnerability. If your heart is open you can experience deep compassion, empathy and love.
5. The Throat chakra (Vishudda) – I Speak. The throat chakra is our voice and controls our ability to communicate our personal power. It allows us to express ourselves fully, truly and openly.
6. The Third Eye chakra (Anja) – I See. The third eye chakra controls our ability to connect with our intuition and to see the big picture. It is the eye of the soul and registers information beyond the surface level.
7. The Crown chakra (Samsara) – I Know. The crown chakra sits at the top of the head and enables us to be fully connected spiritually.
To book a Reiki session in White River, contact Larissa on 0741490309.
Lauren Bedosky. 2020. All About Reiki https://www.everydayhealth.com/reiki/
Di Atherton. 2019. Reiki – The Usui System of Natural Healing.
2020. http://www.handsonhealthsheffield.com/holistic_massage/the-seven-chakras-for-beginners/